"My heart is afraid it will have to suffer," the boy told one night as they looked up at the moonless sky.
"Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams, because every second of search is a second's encounter with God and with eternity."
"My heart is a traitor," the boy said, when they had paused to rest the horses. "It doesn't want me to go on."
"That makes sense," he answered. "Naturally it's afraid that, in pursuing your dream, you might lose everything you've won."
"Because you will never again be able to keep it quit. Even if you pretend not to have heard what it tells you, it will always be there inside you, repeating to you what you're thinking about life and about the word."
"You mean I should listen, even if it's treasonous?"
"Treason is a blow that comes unexpetedly. If you know your heart well, it will never be able to do that to you. Because you''ll know it's dream and wishes, and will know how to deal with them. You will never be able to escape from your heart. So it's better to listen to what it has to say. That way, you'll never have to fear an unanticipated blow."
"Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams, because every second of search is a second's encounter with God and with eternity."
"My heart is a traitor," the boy said, when they had paused to rest the horses. "It doesn't want me to go on."
"That makes sense," he answered. "Naturally it's afraid that, in pursuing your dream, you might lose everything you've won."
"Well, then, why should I listen to my heart?"
"Because you will never again be able to keep it quit. Even if you pretend not to have heard what it tells you, it will always be there inside you, repeating to you what you're thinking about life and about the word."
"You mean I should listen, even if it's treasonous?"
"Treason is a blow that comes unexpetedly. If you know your heart well, it will never be able to do that to you. Because you''ll know it's dream and wishes, and will know how to deal with them. You will never be able to escape from your heart. So it's better to listen to what it has to say. That way, you'll never have to fear an unanticipated blow."
7 komentarjev:
Go follow your heart girl. Forces are with you ...
Res je...Dobro ga je poslušati, ker je sreča potem toliko bolj srečna...Srce vedno pove prav, ker pove Naše, medtem ko razum ravna v skladu z okolico...Če utišamo srce, nismo več tako zelo edinstveni...Maj bo srček tvoj najboljši prijatelj:)
Tole je pa res... rili tru stori :) .
Srce nas ne bo nikoli gnjavilo v nekaj, kar nam bo škodovalo - samo mi ga moramo na prav način poslušat, razumet. In tukaj pride do tega, da morata razum in srce hodit skupaj, se odločat skupaj.
Thanks, girls! :*
Nekdo mi je enkrat rekel: "Na koncu bo vedno tako, da bo prav." In ponavadi se izkaže, da je res tako. :)
hm, dejansko je res, da ima neuboganje srca za posledico večjo pokoro kot razum... tako da je edino razumsko ubogat srce ;)
Načeloma sem mnenja, da je tista prava odločitev takrat, ko imaš mir v srcu. Če tehtaš in dvomiš... se znaš opeči.
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